Taxi pass examination

Taxi pass examination

To work as a taxi driver, it is compulsory to have a taxi pass. This taxi pass is proof that you are a recognised taxi driver. This must be clearly visible in the taxi to passengers so that they know they are boarding a licensed taxi driver. In order to be eligible for a taxi pass, every driver must have two certificates in addition to the professional competence certificate, namely a Certificate of Good Conduct and a Taxi Medical Certificate. A medical examination is required for the Medical Declaration. After the medical examination, you must have a Medical Declaration.

General content medical examination

The purpose of a medical taxi pass examination is to identify your health risks and physical abnormalities. The medical doctor will do a physical examination, and measure your blood pressure, height and weight. He will check your eyes and ears and examine your urine. These examinations will determine whether you are medically fit to practise the profession of taxi driver.

Validity period

After the examination, if you receive medical clearance, you will receive a medical certificate of fitness. The taxi pass is valid for five years, but it may be that due to medical reasons, the validity period of the medical certificate is shortened. The medical doctor will then want you to come in earlier to be re-examined for a new medical certificate.

Not sure if you should have an examination? Then please contact us. We will be pleased to advise you without any obligation.

Use the application form to make an appointment for a driving licence examination. If you prefer to make an appointment by phone, you can do so from Monday to Friday during office hours (08.00 – 17.30).